Women of Worth Widow's Ministry


The purpose of the Women of Worth Widows Ministry is to reach out to all women who are widows and let them know how God has helped us through the grief process and continues to do so on a daily basis.  We want to encourage and love the women in this group.  We understand that grief is not an easy process and is unique to each widow.  


We reach out to all widows, no matter the length of time they have been a widow.  We minister to each other in ways that no one else could do, since we have all had the experience of losing a spouse. We want to lift up the widow when she is struggling, encourage them as they face a new life, and listen to them as they express their feelings and needs. Most importantly we want them to know someone is praying for them. 

How to Get Involved


If you see Jeanette Clark or Terri Noble at church talk to either of us.  Or you can contact the church office at 636-327-8696.