Greg Galbraith
This class currently meets in room 235. Please click the "Group Details" button to connect with this leader.

The College and Career group is taught by Greg and Michele Galbraith. This is a group of singles 18-25 years old who meet together to learn about God, the Bible, and applying it to their lives. We like to have socials and enjoy hosting the class at our house. We have been involved in teaching youth since we were married 33 years ago and are now blessed to be teaching the College and Careers class. We are empty nesters with two grown children who both live on the east coast. This gives us plenty of time to serve and are excited to invest in the class. Greg is an IT professional who likes to play disc golf, likes science fiction shows and read. Michele likes to go for walks, research family genealogy, read, and take trips to Disney World. (Although, she doesn't get to go as often as she'd like!) We would love to invite you to join our class.